
Surfing requires a good physical condition.

Surfing carries a series of risks from minor injuries to death (bruises, abrasions, cuts, sprains, fractures, drownings, spinal cord injury …).


People exempt from participating in the course:

1. People who do not know how to swim.

2. Those over 65 years.

3. Children under 8 years.

4. Pregnant women.

5. People with heart disease.

6. People with chronic diseases that may cause them problems during the activity.

7. Any other reason that prevents you from exercising without medical supervision.

8. People who are under the influence of drugs (alcohol, medication...).


Responsibilities of the participant:

  • Follow all instructions from the surf school staff.
  • Inform staff of any injury and/or illness before and during the course.
  • Make proper use of the materials.
  • Wearing of any metallic or glass elements during the activity (e.g.  glasses, earrings or piercings) that can damage the users or the material.
  • Have finger/toe nails short to avoid injuries.
  • Study the informative board in the surf school (on the wall, next to the lock up).



  • Diving head first.
  • Surfing outside of our regulated surfing area (indicated by our flags and instructors).
  • Perform any kind of acts that may cause harm to people or school material.



The company will not be responsible for:

  • Injuries that the user may suffer, that are not fault or negligence of the organization.
  • Damages arising from breach of regulations or misuse of facilities or equipment.


Surf Canaries Surf School are regulated and must abide by the laws and rules of the government of Gran Canaries’ plan of coastal usage. This is in order to make Surf Canaries’ activity compatible with general use of the beach and can change depending on the beach/conditions/number of beach users on any given day.

All the areas that Surf Canaries have a licence to give classes on have been given approval by the Canary Islands Surfing Federation.

The delivery of all our classes, theoretical and practical, will be carried out by qualified personnel. Modifications to class duration, schedules and class structure may vary if the instructors deem necessary.

Transport is not charged for at any point.

The school has 3rd party insurance, qualified instructors, structured and regulated work schedules and teaching plans, with the different didactic strategies depending on the needs of the participant.

Surf Canaries will endeavor that classes will be carried out in waves suitable for beginners, the size and quality of which cannot be guaranteed.

Surf Canaries Surf School

Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria

+34 686 211 996

+34 677 704 981

Go Surfing with Surf Canaries!

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Surf Canaries is registered with the Canarian Government as an "Active Tourism Company" Registry Number: TA-1-0005356.39